According to the results of the competition of the best philanthropists, volunteers and activists of the country, the most effective charity initiatives are presented with unique award – an amber “Angel of Goodness”

“Angel of Goodness” is a ceramic sculpture of, decorated with amber sun stone , which is legally mined by the Association of Amber World in Rivne region. The award was created by Ukrainian artist dynasty of Kozaky family. Over the years the Contest has become a significant event in the public life of our country.

The purpose of the competition: the development of effective socially-oriented philanthropy and volunteering in Ukraine through public stimulation of the best philanthropists, activists and volunteers, their organizations and practices.

Of the Competition:
1) popularization of philanthropy, activism and volunteering, their organizations and effective practices;
2) celebration of the best philanthropists, activists and volunteers, their organizations and effective practices, other groups and organizations that implemented significant charitable projects and events in Ukraine during the year;
3) communicating the best practices of charity;
4) popularization and involvement of a wide range of citizens to charity.

The application can be downloaded via the link (download application). The completed application must be sent by e-mail to the address: [email protected] by May 7, 2023 (inclusive). It is also advisable to add photos (no more than 5 pieces), links to information about the contest participant’s charitable or volunteer activities posted on the Internet, publications, reviews, recommendations, etc., which better characterize the contest participant’s activities.